

My father has no room in which to study.

(=My father has no room to study in.)


☆ この形は必ず前の名詞を修飾する不定詞の形容詞用法になる.


①He is the only person on whom I can depend.


②I don’t like the house in which he lives.


③Great was the difficulty with which I did this work.


☆ ①は動詞dependによって前置詞が決まるが②は動詞のliveと先行詞のhouse



①The mountain the summit of which you can see over there is Mt,Fuji.

(=The mountain whose summit you can see~)


②Her sons, both of  whom work abroad, ring her up every week.


③This is the book of which I spoke the other day .


☆ ①は「whose +名詞」を「the+名詞+of which」に変形した形。②はboth

of~のof,先行詞はher sons。③はspeak of ~「について話す」のof。




This is the house in which I was born.

=This is the house which I was born in.

=This is the house that I was born in.

=This is the house I was born in.






① 時を表す名詞+when+文

② 場所,場合を表す名詞+Where+文

③the  reason+why+文

④ the  way+how+文(ただし現在はこの形はない)

例)This the reason why he did it.

=This is the reason for which he did it.

=This is the  rea son  that  the did it/

=This is the reason he did it.

=This is why he did it.


例)This is the way in which he did it.

=This is the way that he did it.

=This is the way he did it.

=This is how he did it.





=This is the house in which Iwas born .


☆ 上の文をもとの形にすると,This is the house. I was born in it.になる。

☆ 関係副詞の必要十分条件は(l)と(2)である。

☆ the reason for whichがthe reason whyとなるのも同じ考え。




(3) 関係代名詞と関係副詞

This is the reason which made him angry.


☆ 先行詞がthe reasonだからといって後ろが関係副詞のWhyになるとは限らない。

☆ 関係代名詞の後ろは主語か目的語が欠けている不完全な文になり,関係副詞の後




【住所】 愛知県名古屋市東区筒井2丁目4-52 3F
【TEL】 052-931-3987
【お問い合わせ方法】 電話またはメールフォームをご利用下さい。
【開講時間】 10:00~22:00
