
1 次の(   )内に適切な語を入れて各組の英文がほぼ同じ意味になるようにしなさい。

(1)  Although he is able, he will never come out at the top of his class.

= (       )(       ) he is, he will never come out at the top of his class.

= (       )(       )(       ) his ability, he will never come out at the top of his class.

= (       ) his ability, he will never come out at the top of his class.

= (       ) all his ability, he will never come out at the top of his class.

= For (       ) his ability, he will never come out at the top of his class.

(2)  He is wealthy, but he lives a simple life.

= (       ) he is wealthy, he lives a simple life.

= Wealthy (       )(       )(       ), he lives a simple life.

= (       ) his (       ), he lives a simple life.

= With (       ) his (       ), he lives a simple life.

(3)  Though he failed repeatedly, he wouldn’t give it up.

= (       )(       )(       ) his repeated (       ), he wouldn’t give it up.


2 次の各文の(   )内に入る最も適切な語句を,下のa~dの中から選びなさい。

(1)  I have not yet spoken to my next door neighbor, (      ) I have now lived here for more than five years.

① although              ② in spite of      ③ despite           ④ however

(2)  (      ), he has a lot of experiences.

① Despite he is young                         ② In spite of he is young

③ Because he is young                       ④ Young as he is

(3)  (      ) the dark clouds that were forming, he went swimming in the ocean.

① Just because of     ② In place of      ③ In spite of       ④ In order that

(4)  Tom married Nancy, (      ) all the advice to the contrary.

① because of             ② despite            ③ since               ④ although

(5)  (      ) his wealth, he is not very happy.

① For all        ② In addition to          ③ By means of   ④ At the expense of




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【開講時間】 10:00~22:00
